a journey of a great discovery..

Narrated Aishah r.a :
"....A person asked Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) as to who amongst the people were the best. He said: Of the generation to which I belong, then of the second generation (generation adjacent to my generation), then of the third generation (generation adjacent to the second generation)..."
(saheeh muslim - no 6159)

a must see video : tears of syeikh nasiruddin al-albanee rahimahullah taala...
true story from a sister....

Syeikh Nasiruddin Al-Albani

As-Syaheed Imam Hasan Al-Banna

Syeikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Bazz

Syeikh Ramadhan Al-Bouty

Syeikh Dr. Yusuf Qardhawi

Syeikhul Islam Al-Imam Ibn Taimeyyah rahimahullah's grave..

Syeikh Al-Maududi

Dr. Asri Zainul Abidin

Dr. Wahbah Zuhaily

In The Name of Allah..The Most Gracious..The Most Merciful..
Salafiy and Al-Ikhwanul Muslimin...

....First of all, I want to point out that up to my 19th year, the year in which I went to study in the EGYPT, I did not EVER like this manhaj...I trace the beginning of my interest in this manhaj when as a "child" of 20...It is difficult to encapsulate the exact factors that brought me to to this manhaj because it was a journey, a process, that lasted 2 years. Those 2 years were both exhilarating and exhausting. My perceptions of myself and the world changed dramatically. At times I feared I would lose myself; at other times I knew that this path was my destiny...
thanks Allah for giving me this chance..I realize that I was attracted to these peaceful souls because I sensed my own lack of inner peace and convictions..my previous character ; bubling without dalils..talking on some topics without hadeeth..yes i did using hadeeth but i didnt know wether the dalils are authentic or not..just buldozzin'..forgive me Allah for the sins i commited...
I was exposed to the teachings of this manhaj through my hadeeth classes and assigned readings. The more I read about them (salafi and IM scholars), the more this manhaj appealed to me..Since I became "tullabul ilmy", my depth of knowledge and understanding of the faith has increased...alhamdulillah.....as i said in the previous articles,...practisin' this methodology hasn't been easy, I have to admit. For those coming from other ideologies, and for ultra-salafi (who loves to jarah orang) too, I'd like to say that its very important to respect others, and to learn listenin' to others' opinions. Stop condeming other Muslim scholars who made small mistakes in their fatwas or books..I also think that they should be more open to this manhaj, and more respectful to the scholars. I myself felt sometimes rejected by both groups...ultra and ideologic persons......
I experienced the truth being unveiled to my spirit....I felt a huge burden of sins flying off my back. Moreover, it felt like my soul was rising above the earth, refusing the makeshift delights of this world in favor of the eternal joys of the Hereafter. This experience, coupled with the long process of reasoning, solved the 'purpose of life puzzle'. It revealed this manhaj as the truth, thereby replenishing my 'spiritual landscape' with belief, purpose, direction and action. I therefore entered the gate of this manhaj..Prior to my search for the truth, I had never seriously considered this manhaj as an option because of the constant negative portrayal of them in the media and at IPT...thanks Allah that I've gone through so many periods of doubt. ..when I look back I see that it was not Allah leaving me but Allah telling me that it was time that I asked myself how much I loved Allah, and what I was willing to go through to understand my faith........
A week of crying, depression, prayer, reading to the extreme, and ignoring most other things in life sounds harsh...but the reward - knowing so much more about yourself, God, and the relationship between you (salafi and ikhwan) - is worth more than any material things... Through my interrogation of Islam I gained Allah’s most precious gift - salafi ikhwani...whispering to myself...how could I stay when I had a different outlook on life? How could I change when the step seemed too big for me?...
Dear Allah...
I am here because I believe in you, because I believe in the compelling and majestic words of the Qur'an, and because I believe in the Prophethood of Your Messenger Muhammed. I know in my heart my decision is the right one. Please give me the courage to carry on with this new self and new life, that I may serve you well with a strong faith...strong believe in the strongest methodology of the strongest tarbiah..insyaAllah..

my dearest salafiyyun wa ikhwaniyyun..the more i know you..the more i love you...the journey i've gone thru will never fades off from my mind..my heart...this was a great journey..

Al-Faqeer Ilallah..
Dr. Nik Mohd Abduh B. Nik Mhd Nor
Faculty of Medicine..
2nd year...

"..menangislah atas sikap keras kita...."


Anonymous said...

ana selalu juga ikuti perkembangan laman enta.sangat menarik.menyedarkan dan telah menyembuhkan krisis hati-hati kami.jzkk.

kawan-kawan UK sampaikan salam.maybe enta tak kenal kot.tapi mereka mengenali enta melalui tulisan-tulisan enta.syabas atas usaha menyatukan ummah.

ramai ummat sudah sedar akan kebangkitan manhaj salaf dan ikhwan.mereka sebenarnya adalah SATU.cuma ada yang ultra-ikhwan serang salafi dan ultra-salafi serang ikhwan.kalau tengok pada kisah fiqhussunnah,nampak keserasian Al-Albani,Al-Banna dan Sayyid Sabiq.

bagus teguran anta buat kami.menyedarkan kami bagaimana meraikan jemaah lain.


Anonymous said...

tokoh-tokoh salafi :

dr.nasiruddin albani
dr.yusuf qardhawi
dr.wahbah zuhaili
syeikh ibn baz
mustafa masyhur

mereka semua pejuang yang hidup matinya kerana Allah.

Anonymous said...

sekarang ni ada salafi haraki..ada salafi yamani..ust maszlee dan ust hasrizal salafi haraki..antum?

IM = salafi haraki

salafi yamani = salafi dr.rabi' madkhali...

ye kot?

Anonymous said...

dalam usul 20 ada kata :

"...dakwah kita adalah dakwah salafiyyah..."
(as-syahid al-banna)

hidupkan dakwah salaf ini..akidah salaf dan manhajnya..gunakan pelbagai jaringan,NGO,dan jemaah agar dapat memudahkan proses dakwah..jangan "mempergunakan",tapi,berjuang bsama dgn jemaah!!

Anonymous said...

smuany sma i.Allah.klu bbza pndpt,kita raikan.cuma,yg salah ttp slh dn bnr ttp bnr.mcm bab akidah,tiada kompromi.akidah hny 1.
dlm bab method dkwh,plbagaikn asalkn ikut sunnh dn biar tpt dgn syarak.

rasa mcm nk nangis plk bile tgk kata-kata akhi kte.."menangislah atas sikap keras kita"..huhuhu.

ya Allah,ampunilah kami slme mne kami btelagah dn mngumpt ssme jmaah.erk.insaf!

Anonymous said...

erti hidup pada memberi..