Israelis+Bush : The Animals and Baboons..~

Once a Muslim Land is occupied and violated by non-Muslim, it is the duty of all Muslims to defend it dan return it to the orbit of Islam. Palestine and Gaza are the Muslim Arab lands that belongs to every single Muslims throughout the generations, and NO ONE has the right or the authority to give it up to others. Jihad is the best way to liberate Palestine.

Fatwa issued by Al-Azhar in 1956 stated clearly that reconciliation with “Israel Laknatullah” is not permissible and that fight against Israeli existence is compulsory to all Muslims. I rewrite again, “COMPULSORY”!! No matter who you are and where you’re from. For those who declared themselves by the word of “La Ilaha Illa Allah” must help our brothers in Palestine. If you don’t do that, I do agree with other people who call you monkeys and black sheeps!


The Laknatullah Zionist realize that high Arab populations density threatens their expansionist ambition in Palestine. Thus, they are aiming to stop the populations of Arab Palestine by killing them, and making them suffer from everythin’, demonstrating their force against weak and helpless people. All ikhwanese, you must know that they’re now tryin to spread social illness such as drugs and prostitution in Palestine. Shock? Huh..well.. We know nothing about these. We forget everythin’ They create difficult economic, political and social conditions for all Palestinian people. They held terrorism as one of its indispensable weapons for the achievement of its dream in Jewish homeland in Palestine. This meant, forcin’ the people to leave their homeland, and those who won’t, will eventually die. Do you still remember all about the massacres against the Palestinian people? Remember??? Here I write for you :

Baldat As-Syeikh, Sacsac in Hebron, Abu Kasr, Deir Yassin, Abu Shousa, Al-Lid, Village of Ellaboun, Ba’na and Deir Al-Asad, Town of Qalqiliyya, Kafr Qassim, Khan Yunus, Sabra Shatila (visited), Al-Aqsa Mosque, Ibrahami Mosque and Tunnel…Now, they are going to do the same thing in Gaza.

It really hurts to see my ikhwah being torn up so badly in Palestine especially in Gaza. So many people were killed. During the first Palestinian intifada, or uprising against the Israeli occupation, the Israeli army employed several means of suppressing the popular resistance, including firing rubber-coated steel bullets, disabling the bodies of thousands of stone throwers. According to the Palestinian Wounded Society, 70,000 Palestinians were wounded between 1987 and 1993, 40 percent of them with permanent disabilities. Many suffered brain damage or had their limbs amputated.


Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have intensified their war crimes in the Gaza Strip with total disregard for civilian lives. During the last three days, nine Palestinians, including four civilians, have been killed by the IOF. Three of the civilian victims were women. In addition, 57 other people were inured, the majority of whom were also civilians. On 18 January shrapnel from a bomb fired from an Israeli fighter jet onto a governmental building hit a nearby wedding celebration, killing one woman and injuring dozens of others. These war crimes coincide with the closure of all border crossings to the Gaza Strip, which also threatens to exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza at all levels.

Nineteen were killed in Gaza on 15 January, including the son of Hamas head Mahmoud al-Zahar. Several fighters were amongst them but also slain were three farmers and a student. That same day an Ecuadorian farmer in Israel was killed by sniper fire from the Strip. The launching of homemade rockets from Gaza into Israel has increased with the intensified Israeli attacks. More than 150 rockets and mortars have struck Israel between 15-18 January, none of them causing any fatalities or serious injuries. Such rockets have killed 12 in the past six years. Conversely, research by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights finds that almost 700 Palestinians, including 224 civilians (78 of them children) have been killed by Israeli forces in extra-judicial executions during that same time period.

Israeli military establishment decided to stop power supply and fuel to Gaza. Since Thursday, food and humanitarian aid are not allowed in. Very soon life will come to a standstill. Water will not be pumped for a even drink
(source : PCHR)


my previous article :

credit : thanks to Abu Layth.

Are we the Black Sheeps..?!

Does anyone care of this day? 28 September 2000. The Dr. Evil, Arial Sharon, the leader of the Zionist, entered Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Muslim holiest shrine in Palestine and the 3rd holy Mosque of Islam. Protected by around 2000 israeli soldiers, Sharon’s visit to holy area of the mosque was an explicit and rude challenge to the feelings of the Muslims worldwide, especially the Palestinians who were frustrated by the failure of Camp David over the sensitive issue of Al-Quds (Jerussalem). The Intifadha Al-Aqsa erupted in response!

The plight of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and of Palestine itself is a symbolic of the plight of all oppressed states and nations the world over, and indeed, the greatest of such symbols . Symbolising the oppression of the arrogant world powers over the weak state as nowhere on earth do they more effectively demonstrate their wickedness and “barbarism” than in the land of Palestine.

It is there they seized the third Holiest Mosque in the sight of the Muslim World and the first Qiblah of Islam. Now every Friday Muslims worshippers pray at the Mosque surrounded by their enemies armed to the teeth, ready for fatal attack at any moment. It is there that an entire nation, the Palestine nation, is deprived of its land of origin, and made either to live either as slaves in their homes or scattered all over the world in a state of fear.

Similar cases abound where the powers of world arrogance arrogating all powers to itself, demonstrating their force against weak and helpless people, while claiming the ability and the right to keep the peace. If one studies the cases of other weak countries such as Libya, Kosova, Bosnia, Chechenya and Kashmir, it would be seen that most of the victims of this oppression are : Muslims…!!!!!

Political Zionism ruined us..!

Allah says : “..say : Oh God. Master of the Kingdom, Thou givest the Kingdom to whom thou wilt, and seizes the Kingdom from thou wilt, thou exalted whom thou wilt, and thou abasest whom thou wilt ; in Thy hand is the good, Thou are powerful over everything..”

(Al-Imran : 26)

As we heard before, Zionism, was founded by Theodore Hertzl himself, and, as its name indicates, it aimed to gain international support for the Zionist cause, and its project. The hoped to persuade the Khilafah Uthmaniyyah to accept their project through an offer to pay part the Khilafah Uthmaniyyah debt in return. The project of killing all Muslims, oppressing who were born as non-Jewish people. Do we know all this?

The Role of United States

The US was the first country to recognize Israel, only minutes after it was officially created in 1948, consistent with a 1922 Congressional resolution backing the League of Nations mandate for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Since then, the two countries have developed a rock-solid friendship that does not depend on the parties in power either in Washington or Jerusalem. While there have certainly been ups and downs, the basic bond between the US and Israel, the only country in the Middle East that resembles the US in its values and democracy, is very strong. Both countries have long-recognized that their mutual interests of deterring war, promoting stability and eventually achieving peace are only possible if the United States continues to stand firmly behind Israel. In the following decades, Israel and the US worked together to counter the greatest threats to American interests in the Middle East. These threats include the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction by rogue regimes, state-sponsored terrorism, the potential disruption of access to Middle East oil, and the spread of Islamic adicalism.

Cooperation has extended to programs for sharing cutting-edge technology and valuable intelligence, conducting joint military exercises, researching and developing new weapons, establishing joint anti-terrorism strategies; and pre-positioning materiel in Israel for use in the event the US ever needs to respond quickly to a future Middle East conflict.

The question is, why don’t we unite and cooperate to each others to become one body for the ummah, fighting against them? Don’t you feel ashamed of yourself? The answer is simple, we forget we had conquered and ruled nearly 2/3 of the world under the Islamic Laws, by the Khilafah system. We forget the sufferings of Palestinian people. We forget that Extrimist Jewish tried to lay the foundation of the temple called Haykal which they aspired to be established in place of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and over 5000 Palestinian people gathered, sacrificed their bloods to defend the Holy Mosque, and Israeli opened fire discrimately killing more than 21 and wounding 150 Palestinian peoples including kids, women.

And, we all forget that this land historically which many muslim scholars originated, preached or lived in Palestine for some time. They are Ibn Syihab Az-Zuhri, Imam As-Syafie, Imam Al-Auza’i, Ibrahim Ibn Adham, Imam Al-Layth Ibn Saad, Ibnu Qudamah, Al-Imam Sufyan As-Tsauri and other Muslim scholars. Most of them are the imam of mazhab, Ahlul Hadeeth.


On this day unlike all others, as I and all ikhwahs stand at the threshold of a new dawn, in all honor and modesty, we humbly bow to the sacred spirits of our fallen ones, Palestinians and arab, by the purity of whose sacrifice for the homeland our sky has been illuminated and our land given life. Our hearts are lifted up and irradiated by the light emanating from the much blessed intifadha, from those who have endured and have fought the fight of the camp, of dispersion, of exile, from those who have borne the standard for freedom, our children, our aged, our youth, our prisoners, detainees and wounded, all those ties to our sacred soil are confirmed in camp, village, and town. We render special tribute to that brave Palestinian mothers, guardians of sustenance and life, keeper of our people’s perennial flame. To the souls of our sainted martyrs, the whole of our Palestinian Arab people that our struggle shall be continued until the occupation ends, and the foundation of our sovereignty and independence shall be fortified accordingly.


Therefore, I call upon our great people(all ikhwanese) to rally to the banner of Palestine, to cherish and defend it, so that it may forever be the symbol of our freedom and dignity in that homeland, which is a homeland for the free, no and always.

I take this opportunity to show our solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Palestine, and with all the oppressed peoples of the world, who are made to face plights similar to those of the Palestinians. Despite all the vicious attacks made on us, we will never give up the struggle to regain our rights. We will never bow and surrender our dignity. While the enemy laughs, we are also fully hopeful and confident. And above all, we have the assurance of the Almighty Allah that in the end, success shall be ours, insyaAllah.

Put this question in your head..Are we black sheeps as i mentioned before?..and ready to be slaughtered..?!!!
My coming article; the topic will insyaAllah be : “Whose Land is it?..Muslims, Jews,or Christians?”.

My Sources :

1)Al-Imam Asy-Syahid Hassan Al-Banna, Muzakkirat ad-Dakwah wa Ad-Da’iah, edisi 5. Cetakan Beirut, Damascus, The Islamic Bureau.

2)Al-Imam Abu ‘Azzah Abdullah, Ma’a Al-Harakah Al-Islamiyyah Fi Al-Di wal Arabiyyah, Kuwait, Cetakan Darul Qalam, 1986.

3)Al-Imam Abu Subih, Al-Hijrah Al-Yahudiyyah Haqaa’iq wa Arqam, Amman, cetakan Darul Jalil.

4)Palestine webs..


Al-Faqeer Ilallah,

Dr. Nik Mohd Abduh Bin Nik Mhd Nor.

Faculty of Medicine, Egypt.

2204 pm..

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Marilah Menuju Usrah Yang Muntijah..


Semasa saya hendak memulakan coretan saya pada kali ini, saya terfikirkan, perlukah saya menggunakan terma-terma arabic untuk memperjelaskannya kepada pembaca. Namun, hati saya memberikan satu titik noktah, adalah lebih elok saya mengelakkan menggunakan terma-terma arab bagi memudahkan pembaca memahami apa yang saya maksudkan. Saya teringat pada satu kata-kata Al-Imam As-Syahid Hasan Al-Banna rahimahullah yang telah berpesan kepada ribuan ikhwani sebelum beliau ditembak dan mati syahid. Kata-kata ini sangat popular dan selalu meniti di bibir para ikhwani di Indonesia dan khususnya di negara tertubuhnya ikatan persaudaraan ini, Mesir. Kata-kata masyhur ini saya petik sebagai yang berikut :

“…sistem usrah sangat bermanfaat bagi kita dan berguna bagi dakwah..Dengan daya dan kekuatan dari Allah SWT, sistem ini akan mampu menghimpun kalangan anggota Ikhwan yang tulus, memudahkan hubungan antara mereka kepada teladan dalam dakwah, memperkukuhkan ikatan persatuan mereka, dan mengangkat persaudaraan mereka daripada bualan kata-kata dan teori kepada tingkatan operasi..”

Meneliti kata-kata As-Syahid ini, menyedarkan kita bahawa, tidak dapat tidak, jatuh bangunnya sesebuah institusi dakwah yang bertunjangkan ikatan persaudaraan sesama Muslim lebih-lebih lagi mereka yang berkecimpung dalam dunia harakah islamiyyah harus bermula daripada satu titik nucleus, iaitu Usrah. Maraknya perkumpulan-perkumpulan kecil ini, atau halaqah ini di universiti-universiti dan kampus-kampus serta sekolah-sekolah adalah fenomena yang sangat sihat dan wajar diteruskan. Usrah yang muntijah merupakan platform yang sangat efektif kepada gerakan Islam untuk meramaikan lagi para rijal yang sanggup berjuang di jalan Allah SWT. Tidak dapat dinafikan lagi, usrah memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam menentukan hala tuju dakwah masakini. Bagi yang benar-benar memahami apa itu usrah, mereka akan meyakini bahawah usrah merupakan bilik gerakan kepada sesebuah pergerakan Islam. Usrah merupakan mimpi ngeri buat para musuh-musuh Islam kerana mereka tahu, daripada lingkaran inilah lahirnya ramai manusia yang sanggup mati di jalan Allah memperjuangkan agamanya.


Apabila memperkatakan tentang usrah yang muntijah, eloklah kiranya ana terjemahkan dahulu apakah maksud usrah dan apakah takrif muntijah itu sendiri.

Usrah merupakan kelompok manusia yang ikhlas kerana Allah taala yang ingin mengetahui tentang Islam dan beramal dengannya secara serius. Pada bahasanya usrah merupakan keluarga manakala muntijah bermaksud sukses atau berjaya. Usrah merupakan lapangan untuk memperkukuhkan ukhuwwah Islamiyyah sesama saudara Muslim dan dari usrah inilah kita bersedia untuk menjadi batu-bata kepada sesebuah keluarga Islam yang sihat.
(Hassan Al-Banna, Nizhamul
Amru Wa Risalatu At-Ta'alim)

Teringat saya pada satu kata-kata Al-Imam Mustafa Masyhur rahimahullah :

"..eksistensi/kewujudan usrah tidak mungkin berakhir walaupun daulah Islamiyyah sudah tertegak.."

Lihatlah betapa seriusnya para ikhwani memandang institusi usrah ini. Mereka menjadikan usrah sebagai sebahagian perjalanan hidup mereka yang tidak boleh dipisahkan oleh suatu apapun. Walaupun sekiranya sudah tertegaknya daulah Islamiyyah, lapangan usrah ini tetap akan diteruskan kerana mereka tahu, betapa pentingnya usrah dalam melahirkan generasi-generasi Rabbani dan generasi Al-Quran yang mampu memimpin daulah Islamiyyah dan mempertahankannya sekiranya diserang dan diancam. Walau bagaimana sibuk sekalipun kita, kita tidak boleh menyurutkan perhatian kita terhadap halaqah/usrah. As-Syeikh Muhammad Abduh pernah berkata :

"..Kecemerlangan Islam itu ditutupi oleh kebodohan umatnya sendiri..."

Sekiranya anda marah dengan kata-kata ini, anda juga tergolong daripada apa yang dimaksudkan oleh Syeikh Muhammad Abduh. Lihat sahaja kebodohan yang semakin melata kala ini. Umat Islam semakin ketandusan ilmu, zina semakin berleluasa, pencabulan di mana-mana, curi, rogol, bunuh dan sebagainya telah menjadikan Islam yang sangat indah ini ditutupi dan diselubungi oleh karat-karat hitam itu tadi. Oleh itu, usrah merupakan tempat atau pemula kepada solusi masalah kebodohan umat kita ini. Saya juga merasakan diri saya antara mereka yang dimaksudkan oleh As-Syeikh Muhammad Abduh kerana banyak masa saya yang dihabiskan bukan untuk dakwah dan agama ini, akan tetapi lebih banyak kepada hiburan yang semakin melampau-lampau. Oleh itu, bagi mengikis "kebodohan" yang dimaksudkan oleh syeikh, tidak dapat tidak kita mesti memasyarakatkan usrah dan mengusrahkan masyarakat Islam. Bukan mudah untuk melahirkan kecintaan masyarakat terhadap usrah, namun, segala kudrat yang ada haruslah dipergunakan agar kita mampu melihat keberhasilannya suatu hari nanti.

  • Taaruf - Saling berkenalan antara sesama ahli usrah.
  • Tafaahum - Saling memahami antara satu sama lain.
  • Takaaful - Saling membantu antara sesama ahli usrah.
Tiga perkara di atas telah disebut Al-Imam As-Syahid Hassan Al-Banna dalam bukunya Al-Usrah wa Ad-Dakwah serta Nizhamul Amru Wa Risalatu At-Ta'alim dan perkara yang sama juga diulas lebih mendalam oleh Dr.Ali Abdul Halim Mahmud dalam kitabnya Perangkat-Perangkat Dakwah Al-Ikhwanul Muslimin versi Indonesia. Saya belum menemui versi Bahasa Malaysianya. Untuk mendapatkan ulasan yang cantik lagi menarik, buku Perangkat-Perangkat Dakwah IM perlu dibeli dan dihadam. Di dalam tu juga menceritakan perjalanan hidup tokoh-tokoh IM dan juga bagaimana perjalanan muktamar-muktamar IM serta marahil dalam tarbiah IM.


Bagi merealisasikan impian ini, para dai dan mereka yang terlibat secara langsung dengan usrah perlu memainkan peranan penting mengefektifkan usrah dengan kepelbagaian yang ada. Mencetak dan melahirkan kelibat-kelibat baru dalam dakwah ataupun Anaasir At-Taghyir (Agen Perubah) hanya dapat dilakukan melalui usrah yang efektif dan berkesan. Ini bergantung kepada silibusnya, naqibnya, komitmen ahlinya serta bantuan daripada jamaah itu sendiri dan kepelbagaian bentuk usrah yang dibina..


  • Tercapai dinamisasinya, sehingga usrah yang dijalankan itu berlansung dengan keghairahan ahlinya untuk lebih menyintai lingkaran tersebut, lebih memahami dan mendalami apa itu Islam. Dengan kata lain, tidak membosankan dan tidak pula jemu. Bukan sekadar rutin mingguan.
  • Tercapainya produktiviti usrah tersebut, sehingga memungkinkan tercapainya matlamat dan tujuan usrah tersebut. Iaitu, melahirkan anasir atau agen perubah yang mampu mengislah masyarakat.

Mengapa saya katakan dinamisasi dan produktiviti menjadi asas kepada kayu ukur melihat keberkesanan sesebuah usrah? Ini kerana, usrah itu harus dilihat dari dua paradigma yang satunya adalah proses dan keduanya adalah tujuan. Kita tidak mampu mengukur kejayaan atau muntijahnya sesebuah usrah hanya melalui salah satu daripada dua paradigma tadi. Ianya saling bergantungan antara satu sama lain. Kerana proses yang betullah akan membawa kepada matlamat yang betul, dan proses ini bermula daripada usrah yang sangat dinamis, efektif, dan berkesan. Tercapainya produktiviti usrah tersebut adalah lambang kepada tercapainya matlamat usrah tadi.

Apabila terbaca buku karangan Al-Imam Mustafa Masyhur rahimahullah, Penyelewengan Jalan Dakwah, di bawah subtopik ilmu dan penyelewengan, beliau telah menggambarkan betapa hakikat terlalu banyak berlaku penyelewengan dalam disiplin ilmu, dan juga beliau telah menekankan bahawa memperolehi ilmu itu sepatutnya bukanlah hanya melalui pembacaan tanpa adanya perbincangan. Dan bagi ana, salah satu cabang memperolehi ilmu yang tulen adalah dengan berusrah kerana ahli-ahli usrah tidak diminta menghadam apa yang dibentangkan, sebaliknya diajak berfikir, dibincang secara ilmiah, dicari solusinya dan kadang-kadang sekiranya tidak mendapat jalan keluar, ianya dibawa ke pihak lebih atas. Mungkin sesetengah usrah tidak menjadikan perbincangan berat sebagai modulnya. Setiap usrah ada silibus dan modulnya tersendiri, sesuai dengan mustawa atau peringkat ahlinya. Seseorang yang tidak membincangkan sesuatu perkara bersama orang lain dibimbangi akan menjadi mufti tak bertauliah kepada dirinya dan juga kepada diri orang lain. Inilah kegelinciran yang mungkin berlaku sekiranya sesuatu ilmu itu tidak dihadam, dibincangkan sesama ahli, dimanfaatkan dan tidak diperbahaskan dalam usrah ataupun halaqah. Mari kita lihat apa yang ditekan Al-Imam Musfata Masyhur dalam makalahnya :

"..Kadangkala pula dia berpegang teguh sebab lahiriah satu-satu dalil dan tidak mahu menerima hujah dari seseorang. Di kala lain pula dia mudah terpedaya lantas menganggap dirinya telah sampai kepada darjah mujtahid lantas dengan beraninya mengeluarkan fatwa-fatwa hukum syara' di dalam beberapa perkara yang didedahkan kepadanya. Benarlah ada orang yang berkata: "Orang yang paling berani megeluarkan fatwa ialah orang yang paling kurang ilmunya." Lebih merbahaya dari itu ia berani pula merendah-rendahkan darjah imam-imam mujtahidin yang silam jika didapati pandangannya bertentangan dengan pandangan mereka atau sekurang-kurangnya dia berkata: "Mereka itu lelaki dan kita pun lelaki juga." Satu lagi tempat tergelincir ilmu iaitu apabila orang yang berjalan di atas jalan dakwah telah dikuasai oleh kelazatan dan keenakan ma'rifah nabi, dimabukkan oleh pembacaan dan mutala'ah semata-mata, sehinggakan jihadnya tertumpu di dalam bidang itu sahaja tanpa melibatkan dirinya lagi di dalam jihad dan amal yang lain yang dituntut oleh agama...
Akhirnya hatinya menjadi terlalu seronok dan khusyuk dalam membaca berbagai kitab dan berlumba-lumba membaca berbagai majalah yang dipenuhi makalah ilmiah semata-mata. Ini membuatkan dia leka dari memberi perhatian ke arah menyuburkan iman memperkuat jihad dan latihan dakwah Islam. Ini adalah membalik-songsangkan segala pertimbangan dan menyalah-gunakan pengertian yang menyokong usaha tolong menolong yang membawa hasil...."

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